Frequent shampooing contributes to hair loss.
Hats and wigs cause hair loss.
100 strokes of the hair brush daily will create healthy hair.
Permanent hair loss is caused by perms, colors and other cosmetic treatments.
Women are expected to develop significant hair loss if they are healthy.
Shaving one's head will cause the hair to grow back thicker.
Standing on one's head will cause increased circulation and thereby stimulate hair growth.
Dandruff causes permanent hair loss.
There are cosmetic product that will cause the hair to grow thicker and faster.
Stress causes permanent hair loss.
Hair loss does not occur in the late teens or early twenties.
Hair loss affects only intellectuals.
There is a cure for Androgenetic Alopecia.
There are only a few of the common myths heard by physicians and other hair loss specialists on a daily basis. Trichome Hair Loss Clinic suggests that you first have your hair loss diagnosed by a competent health professional who sees hair loss patients on
a regular basis. Once you know the diagnosis you will have a better understanding of exactly which treatment option may be best for you.